BIOGEN-01 (ANAEMODYN)Dr Masood's Biogen 1 is Indicated for the supportive symptoms of Anemia (Blood Deficiency) and chlorosis. Masood Homoeopathic's Biogen 1 tablets help remove toxins from the body. Helpful in weakness (physical & mental), tremors and palpitations. Effective in headache, numbness and tingling sensations. Biogen...
- Rs.310.00
- Rs.310.00
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BIOGEN-02 (PROVENTIL)Dr Masood Homoeopathic pharma's Biogen 02 is Indicated for the supportive treatment of Asthma. Biogen 02 Relieves shortness of breath. Effective in chest congestion and severe cough. Masood's Biogen 02 is a useful homoeopathic remedy in Bronchial asthma with yellow sputum. Helpful in managing...
- Rs.310.00
- Rs.310.00
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BIOGEN-03 (COLIREX)Indicated for the supportive treatment in colic of both children and adults. Effective in constipation and flatulence. Helpful in blockage of intestines due to constipation. Effective in colic symptoms including indigestion, pain, belching, nausea and vomiting.
- Rs.150.00
- Rs.150.00
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BIOGEN-04 (CONSTILAX)Indicated for the supportive treatment of constipation. Helpful when stool is dry, hard and black. Diminishes the incomplete defecation. Used for the distended abdomen, contracted anus and flatulence. Helpful in foul breathe and bad taste in mouth. Improves appetite and bowel movement. Also normalizes...
- Rs.310.00
- Rs.310.00
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BIOGEN-05 (FLUNIL)Indicated for the supportive treatment in seasonal symptoms due to winters. Prophylactic against complaints of winters. Effective in headache, cold & cough. Helpful in continuous thick white discharge from the nose. Also used in stuffed nose & violent sneezing. Indicated in upper respiratory tract...
- Rs.310.00
- Rs.310.00
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BIOGEN-06 (COLD-EZE)Indicated for the supportive treatment of cough, cold and catarrh. Effective in dyspnea, pain in chest & bronchitis. Useful in catarrh & rattling cough. Helpful in discharge from nose & throat. Effective for burning in eyes due to cold. Indicated in irritation of upper...
- Rs.310.00
- Rs.310.00
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BIOGEN-07 (DIABEX)Indicated for the supportive treatment in diabetes. Helpful to alleviate diabetic associated symptoms i.e. frequent urination & pain in lower limbs especially below the knee joint. Regulates kidney & liver functions. Useful in general weakness due to diabetes. Effective in anxiety & laziness due...
- Rs.310.00
- Rs.310.00
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BIOGEN-08 (DIACURE)Indicated for the supportive treatment of diarrhea. Effective in loose watery stools. Eliminate bowel inflammation in children due to dietric errors. Useful in stomach and intestinal infections. Helpful in nausea, abdominal pain & fever. Also good for treating prostration.
- Rs.310.00
- Rs.310.00
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BIOGEN-09 (DYSENTRIN)Indicated for the supportive treatment in dysentery & bloody stools. Effective in flatulent colic. Useful for irritability, pain & gurgling sounds in abdomen. Helpful in pain when stool begin to pass.
- Rs.310.00
- Rs.310.00
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BIOGEN-10 (TONSITEC)Indicated for the supportive treatment of enlarged tonsils. Effective in inflammation and suppression of tonsils. Useful in dysphagia. Eliminate tonsillitis symptoms such as fever, feeling of lassitude and earache. Diminish the bad breath and coated tongue due to tonsillitis. Also used to improves appetite....
- Rs.310.00
- Rs.310.00
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BIOGEN-11 (COLDINIL)Indicated for the supportive treatment in fever and inflammation. Effective in acute inflammatory conditions including swelling. Useful in pneumonia pleurisy and affections that tend to suppurate. Helpful in treating initial stages of inflammatory diseases. PRESENTATION: 20 g
- Rs.310.00
- Rs.310.00
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BIOGEN-12 (HEAD-EZE)Indicated for the supportive treatment in neuralgia. Used in management of headache. Effective in alleviate nervousness as a consequence of worries. Helpful in treating sleeplessness, stress and a low liver function. Also used to give relief from excessive mental and physical exertion. PRESENTATION: 20...
- Rs.310.00
- Rs.310.00
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BIOGEN-13 (LEUCOTOR)Biogen 13 is Indicated for the supportive treatment of Leucorrhoea. Effective in excessive watery vaginal discharge with pain. Indicated in backache and bearing down pains. Helpful in managing menstrual problems. Also used in ill effects of leucorrhoea. PRESENTATION: 20 g
- Rs.310.00
- Rs.310.00
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BIOGEN-14 (SNEEZOFIX)Indicated for the supportive treatment of cold. Helpful in runny nose, watery eyes and in sneezing. Effective in acute infectious diseases like fever and catarrh. Also used in lymph nodes swelling. PRESENTATION: 20 g
- Rs.310.00
- Rs.310.00
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BIOGEN-15 (FEMILAN)Indicated for the supportive treatment in menstruation troubles. Used in painful and irregular menses. Helpful for early, long lasting menses in middle aged women. Effective in controlling bearing down pains. Also used in menstrual associated symptoms like depression, neuralgia and muscular pain. PRESENTATION: 20...
- Rs.310.00
- Rs.310.00
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BIOGEN-16 (NEUROLEX)Indicated for the supportive treatment in neuralgia. Used to recover from nervous exhaustion. Good to strengthens vitality, mental and physical power. Helpful in insomnia and weak memory. Covers anxiety states and irritability. Also used in throbbing headache and vertigo. PRESENTATION: 20 g
- Rs.310.00
- Rs.310.00
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BIOGEN-17 (PILE-EZE)Indicated for the supportive treatment in piles. Effective in external piles with stinging pain. Helpful in treating bleeding piles with or without pain. Controls associated symptoms like itching, burning and fistula. Also improves liver functions. PRESENTATION: 20 g
- Rs.310.00
- Rs.310.00
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BIOGEN-18 (BLEEDOGUM)Indicated for the supportive treatment in pyorrhoea. Effective in spongy swollen and inflamed gums. Used for pus in the gums and foul breathing. Used when there is abcesses at the root of the teeth. Helpful in preventing oozing of blood from gums. Also covers...
- Rs.310.00
- Rs.310.00
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BIOGEN-19 (RELAXOMAX)Indicated for the supportive treatment in rheumatism. Effective in shooting & stabbing pains in the joints of legs and arms. Covers rheumatic pains, sciatica, restlessness and fever. Used for swelling in joints especially in ankles and wrist joint. Helpful in softness, stiffness and burning...
- Rs.310.00
- Rs.310.00
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BIOGEN-20 (DERMICON)Indicated for the supportive treatment in skin and scalp infections. Effective in scurfy eruption on the scalps and in the face of children. Helpful to palliate acne, skin eruptions and itching. Also covers the hard elevate edges of ulcers, scar tissues and marked whiteness...
- Rs.310.00
- Rs.310.00
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